Tag: activities

Where to find free printables online

Hello everyone, and Happy School Year! Summertime has come and gone and the kids are back in school. I’m sure everyone is deep into their fall lesson planning! One of my favorite parts of my job is planning new and fun activities for the children in my program. In the past I used to devour my small supply of Resource Books just looking for some new, fresh content. I still use my trusty books but I also use the internet quite often. Today I wanted to share a few of my favorite sites for free printable activities, coloring pages, word searches, and puzzles that I have found over the years with all of you!

For Coloring Pages:


~ Pudgy Bunny was the first Online Coloring Page Site I found many years ago! It is still my favorite go-to place to find coloring pages to this day. Maybe it is because it is called Pudgy-Bunny? I am a sucker for anything cute and bunny related!


For word searches and crossword puzzles:


~ Create your own personalized crossword puzzles and word searches!

For crafts and themed activity pages:



Where is your favorite place to go online to find free printables?

Breathing new life into your After-School Program: Introducing an Idea-Sharing Forum

Each year as I am preparing for my return at the beginning of the school year I gear up for a great year. I think about all the new kids I am going to meet and what they are going to be like. Will there be more boys or girls? Will they like outside games or crafts more? What will their favorite books and hobbies be? Usually I am very well-prepared — I’ve laid out lesson plans and event ideas that are sure to keep everyone happy, safe and entertained. I have my magic sack of handy dandy, tried and true games and activity ideas that I just know the kids are going to love! Continue reading “Breathing new life into your After-School Program: Introducing an Idea-Sharing Forum”

Back to School: Icebreaker Games & Activities

It’s almost that time again ~ Back to School for the kids! This is an exciting time of year for everyone but it can also be kind of an awkward one at the Child Care Center. New kids to school may feel anxious or apprehensive – not knowing what to expect or how to act. Old friends may stick together with those they already know to make themselves comfortable. Meanwhile, Staff may be feeling a bit rusty after coming back to work from a few months off. This is the time when Icebreaker Games and Activities are at their most essential. They will help loosen everyone up a bit, make them smile, and help break out of their shells and get to know one another. Here a few ideas to help get things started: Continue reading “Back to School: Icebreaker Games & Activities”

Deep Space Sparkle: Great Resource for Art and Book Club Ideas

Deep Space Sparkle: Great Resource for Art and Book Club Ideas

I have loved art and reading from a very young age thanks very much in part to the adult role models I had in my life. They constantly exposed me to the Arts, Music, and Literature. As an adult I have been always advocated that children to be exposed to Literature and the Arts as much as possible so that they too can develop a love for them. Many times when I seek to plan an After School Club I like to incorporate Art and Reading into the overall theme.

I have recently stumbled a wonderfully rich blog called, “Deep Space Sparkle…Out of this World Art Lessons” created by Patty. If you are looking for ideas for clubs such as Art from Around the World, Children’s Picture books, Artists, and more you should check it out.

Continue reading “Deep Space Sparkle: Great Resource for Art and Book Club Ideas”

After School Clubs for Tweens

You know the kids I mean. These are kids who have been at the program the longest. They’ve seen every craft, heard every attention getter, and played every game. Not only has it become repetitive to them but sometimes they feel they are too old for these activities. Often times they may feel like they don’t belong anymore. Boredom and apathy lead to discipline problems. So how do you reach out to these students? They’re not quite pre-teens but they are also not little kids anymore either. They are tweens (at my school this is the 5th and 6th grade group). Here are some tips and strategies for planning After School Activities and Clubs that will be entertaining and interesting to Tweens.

Continue reading “After School Clubs for Tweens”

Hats off to Summer – What’s next for After School Club Ideas?

As the end of the school year approaches I have been wondering what direction to take with this blog for the summer. Being the ever constant planner I am always thinking ahead into planning for next year so I will likely still be presenting club ideas & activities – I have many more Club Theme ideas I have yet to feature! I also plan to present Summer Club Ideas.

Continue reading “Hats off to Summer – What’s next for After School Club Ideas?”

After School Activities: Variations on Hide and Seek

As the weather heats up children are going to be looking forward to spending more time outdoors. I love encouraging children to get more active. One game I always loved growing up is Hide and Seek. Here are some fun variations of Hide and Seek that with proper supervision work very well in the After School Setting. Continue reading “After School Activities: Variations on Hide and Seek”

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