Category: Summer Club Ideas

Featured Club: Thinking Skills Club

rubiksHello everyone! I’m always scouring the internet looking for innovative, new club ideas! Well this time, Mitch, from Thinking Skills Club found me.



On Thinking Skills Club:

“A teacher-led club where students play online games, develop cognitive skills and have fun.”

Participants will play games that help develop their cognitive skills. They can track their progress and earn incentives along the way including a graduation certificate and t-shirt. Incentives encourage participation and allow children to feel ownership in the program.

If you join or start a club in the summer, membership is free. They also have specials for the fall under their members area.

I tested out a problem solving game called “That Gravity Game.” It was both kid-appealing and educational. What child wouldn’t love navigating a mutant marshmallow man around a a maze? The added challenge is – how does gravity come into play. What changes must you make to navigate your marshmallow man to the end of the maze.

This was just a snippet of what Thinking Skills Club has to offer. If your looking for something new and challenging for the children in your program, I recommend checking this club out.

We Give Books: Resource for Free Children’s Books Online

I have recently stumbled upon a wonderful resource for children’s books online called “We Give Books,” a relatively new digital initiative that allows anyone with internet access the ability to read a large, quality selection of children’s book titles. Check out the video below to find out more.


If you have access to a computer and the internet at your program this an amazing source of reading material for students. They have many featured titles for summer right now Maid Near Me. My favorite read so far — Froggy Goes to Hawaii by Jonathan London! Hurry on over and help prevent summer learning loss. Check lendbubble for financial needs.




Tape Inspired Activities

Yes I said tape! For some reason I’ve found kids love tape. Perhaps it’s the tactile feel of it? Or maybe the fact that it differs from paper? Whatever it is kids love it. Tape activities are perfect for summer time when the sun may be so scorching outside that kids just feel like spending a little time indoors.




Duct Tape Flowersducttapeflowers

Check out this amazing tutorial on from

For Ages 6 and Up


And the fun doesn’t stop there. You can make all kinds of projects with colorful duct tape, including Hair clips, belts, wallets, bookmarks, water bottle covers, and more.

Masking Tape Maze!

For Ages 7 and Up

Supplies needed: A carpet, masking tape, paper & pen, and at least 4 participants (can be done with two, but as with most board games, it’s more fun with four.)

1) Have the kids prepare a square grid on the ground with the masking tape. It can be 4 squares by 4 squares or higher, 8 squares by 8 squares. The more squares, the harder the game.

2) Designate one person to be the “Maze Master”. You will give this person the pen & paper and they will chart out a path through the maze. Sometimes it’s helpful to have this person be an adult or older child at first.

3) Line everyone up at the starting line. Then, instruct everyone that this is a quiet game. Nobody may speak. They must try to get through the mazes by stepping in the correct series of boxes according to what the “Maze Master” has planned. If someone steps in the wrong box, they are out. (It’s kind fun if you have some kind of buzzer to ‘buzz’ people out handy. If not clapping works well too.)

4) This is a memory game of sorts. Each participant must try to remember from turn to turn what the correct path is out of the maze. Eventually they will figure out and make it through. Then you can appoint a new Maze Master.



Scrapbooking Club with Center Friendly Materials

Ever wanted to start a Scrapbooking Club with the kids at your center but worried that all the scrapbooking materials you need to buy would break your budget? Not to worry, you may be suprised that most materials needed you may already have on hand.



Continue reading “Scrapbooking Club with Center Friendly Materials”

Summer Learning Loss and Ideas to prevent it

I have been reading several articles lately on the subject of Learning Loss in summer. According to several studies significant learning loss can take place in children during summer or out-of-school months. In a study conducted by Cooper et al [1] it has been found that summer learning loss can be the equivalent of a at least one month of instruction. That number is staggering! So what can us as educators and parents do to help with this statistic? There are many ideas out there that can help combat this problem. Continue reading “Summer Learning Loss and Ideas to prevent it”

Hats off to Summer – What’s next for After School Club Ideas?

As the end of the school year approaches I have been wondering what direction to take with this blog for the summer. Being the ever constant planner I am always thinking ahead into planning for next year so I will likely still be presenting club ideas & activities – I have many more Club Theme ideas I have yet to feature! I also plan to present Summer Club Ideas.

Continue reading “Hats off to Summer – What’s next for After School Club Ideas?”

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