Month: March 2012

Reading Club

Book Clipart ImagesIt’s Book Fair week at our school.  I always love seeing children get excited about reading books.  Adding a reading club to your after school program can help keep children motivated to read.  There are many ways a Reading Club can be added to an After School Program. Here are a few ideas you can try.

1) Plan a Club Theme that is inspired by children’s literature.

A few ideas have been outlined on this site, like Harry Potter Club or Fancy Nancy Club.  Children can enjoy reading and listening to the stories, while also making crafts or playing games that complement them.

2) Plan an Ongoing Reading Club

Set aside time in your daily schedule specifically dedicated to reading.  Younger children can be read to, while older children can read on their own if they wish.  Instruct the children that they will participate in the the club each day for at least 15-20 minutes.  Each time they complete a session they will earn a star on the incentive chart.  After earning a certain number they will earn an incentive.  This is a great way for children and parents to track their progress.

What ideas for leading a reading club do you have? What other ways do you integrate academics into the after-school setting?

I’ve joined Pinterest!

Top of Box
Decoupage Trinket Box Craft on Pinterest

I may be a little behind on this, but I’ve finally done it.  I’ve joined Pinterest.  It was kind of an exciting process.  First, you have to sign up to be on a waiting list.  Then, you have to be ‘invited’ to join.  I felt it added a mysterious flair to the whole process.

What a great resource this will be for planning after school clubs and activities for children! It’s the ultimate idea-sharing site.  As I browse around, I am eager to share what I find with you.

Inspiration.  It’s a beautiful thing! (And so are all the photos on pinterest.)  And if you’d like to follow my page, click on this link.



Fun Spring Time Craft Ideas:

Source: via Marie on Pinterest

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