Treasured Moment Tuesdays

Welcome to Treasured Moments Tuesdays!

This will be a monthly post here at After School Club Ideas. This is our Second month in the series.  The goal is to have readers comment below and share the treasured moments that they have shared with children.

Thank you Denyse from Together we Save for being the first to participate!

Children are truly a gift. They can say the silliest things and make you laugh and they can awe you with their incredible thirst for knowledge. Sometimes there are even those moments when they make stop in your tracks and think, “Wow, I just learned something new from a 5 year old” or ” I needed reminding that life lesson I may have forgotten along the way.”

Have you ever had any of these treasured moments with the children in your life? As a parent, teacher or even a friend? Please leave your comments below or click the Save/Share button to share on Facebook or Twitter! I am anxious to hear from you! 

Here is mine for this month:

I was a college junior, and in the next few days we would be hosting a “Walk the Campus Day” to introduce Elementary School Students to College life. The children at this particular school lived in an underprivileged area so college was not something they frequently thought. As part of our project we were charged with adopting a “little buddy” and responding to letters they wrote to their “Mentors.” My Little Buddy had seemed very down on himself in his letter – He seemed to think he would never be able to go to college. I was so sad for him and tried to cheer him up as best I could without making any false promises.

On the day of our Campus visit, all of my fellow students and I picked up our charges from their school. Out of the crowd I kept hearing my name over and over and out of the crowd came this child with a sparkling, smiling face. This child was overjoyed to meet me and felt that letter had changed his life. I thought maybe it was a fluke but over and over in the coming weeks he would tell me the same. After that he moved away, but he left me a letter telling me again how grateful he was.

I will never forget this child and the fact that a letter, a smile, and a little kindness affected his life so profoundly.


And responses from last month:

I love the time I get to spend with my girls but my favorite times are usually my one on one moments

– Denyse

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One thought on “Treasured Moment Tuesdays

  1. I’m your usual overly busy Mom. I noticed that I kept hearing my kids say, “Mommy, look at me.” Or some variation of that. I would tell them that I was busy right now and would look later. Then, I decided to start looking every time they asked for me, or to listen to their silly joke or story or whatever it was they were trying to get my attention for. It usually takes under 5 minutes. At the end of the day when I think back over my day, it’s those “Mommy look at me” moments that I am most thankful for! And truly I’m no worse off, time-wise, for having taken that time to look at what they wanted to share with me!

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