With COVID-19 impacting families all around the world, many parents have suddenly found themselves in the role of becoming reluctant homeschoolers. Myself included! I suddenly have to teach my kindergartener daily while also providing enrichment activities for my toddler. Since my children are so young, I have found that the best format is to break up the day in chunks allowing for periods of core-learning time (math, science, language arts, reading, and social studies) broken up with free-time, outside play, and extra-curricular fun activities. Those extra activities are perfect times to introduce after school clubs in a home setting. It’s the perfect opportunity to sit with your children and brainstorm where their interests lie and find a club that appeals to them. My five year old has expressed interest in Hawaiian club after watching Moana – which thankfully was featured on our site a few years ago! You can bet I’ll be pulling ideas from that theme!
Please have fun exploring all our ready to implement club ideas on this site here. Watch out for more content coming soon. If there’s any specific clubs you would like to see featured, please comment below! At the request of readers I will be adding an anime club and more unisex literature based clubs.