Pond Life Club

Recommended Ages: 5-7

Do you remember spending time at the pond when you were young (or something that resembled a pond)? I can recall observing the tadpoles and getting bit by mosquitoes — yikes! But I always had a ball!

Here are several ideas for hosting a Pond Life Club with your kids!

Down by the Banks Game:

A classic game and as such the actual lyrics of the song are up for much debate. How do you sing it? Here is how I have learned it:

Down by the banks of the Hanky Panky
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky
With the eeps, ops, sodapops
Hey Mr. Lily and he went kerplops


1) Have children sit in a circle. Have them place their right hand on TOP of their neighbor’s hand and their left hand BELOW their neighbors hand. Whoever has their hand clapped on the last PLOP! of the song is out for that round.

2) When you reach the last two children the setup changes. They hold each each others hand in a fist, like they are shaking hands and move their hands back and forth. On the last PLOP! whoever has their hand back (towards the chest) is out. Adults, be sure to monitor very closely so the children are fair and not playing too roughly.

Lily Pad Snacks-

Materials needed: Cream cheese, blue food coloring, sliced cucumbers, sliced english muffins, and gummy frogs (optional)


1) Have adults slice the cucumbers so they resemble lilypads (ex. pictured at the right)

2) Allow children to help make the mix the “water” (blue food coloring + cream cheese) and spread it 1 english muffin half.

3) To with 2 cucumber slices and 1 gummy frog.

4) Eat and enjoy!

Leap Frog Game-

This is also a classic game, check out this awesome video on: How to Play Leapfrog

Remember, safety first! Check your field area for hazards before beginning the game.

Design your own rubber duckies-

These little guys from Oriental Trading Company are adorable. You can paint them with acrylic paints or color them with permanent markers. Kids love them and it is always such a treat to see what they come up with!!

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